Distributary channels in river, New Zealand


Delta at mouth of river, New Zealand


Braided River, New Zealand


Beach cobbles and heavy minerals

sandy beach

Beach berm, New Zealand.

sandy beach

water ponded behind beach berm (vertical)

sandy beach

Water ponded behind beach berm

sandy beach

River Terraces, New Zealand

erosion, stream

Braided river and gravel bars, New Zealand


Braided river and gravel bars (Vertical)


Debris Flow, New Zealand (vertical)

mass-wasting, erosion, talus cone, hazards

Debris Flow, New Zealand

mass-wasting, erosion, talus cone, hazards

glacial till, New Zealand


Gravel bars on river, New Zealand

stream deposition

Ponded water behind beach berm, New Zealand (!80206-2)

sandy beach

Glacial fjord, Milford Sound, New Zealand

glacial erosion

Waterfall and Hanging Valley, New Zealand

glacial erosion, waterfalls

Glacial outwash plain, New Zealand

Alpine glaciers, New Zealand

ice, crevasses