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Normal fault, Death Valley, CA.

Normal fault at Badwater Turtleback, Death Valley National Park. Neogene Volcanic rock over green-colored Precambrian basement gneiss. (SrF-12)
Download ImageClose-up view of detachment fault, Death Valley, CA.

Detail view of detachment fault, showing minor normal faults in hanging wall terminating at detachment. (SrF-14)
Download ImageMylonitic gneiss: top-right

Mylonitic gneiss and asymmetric porphyroclasts. In this example, shear was top-to-the-right (SrD-58).
Download ImageOverturned anticline, Death Valley, CA.

Aerial view of Titus Canyon Anticline, Death Valley National Park, California. This mountain-scale fold is an overturned anticline–the oldest rock lies in the core. Prominent dark red cliffs on right side made of Cambrian Zabriskie Quartzite; younger Carrara Formation makes brownish clffs to left. At the level of the canyon bottom, note how the rock is overturned. SrD-10.
Download ImageSan Andreas fault, Pt. Reyes, California

Aerial view of trace of San Andreas fault. Tomales Bay and Pt. Reyes Peninsula, California (SrA-02)
Download ImageCross-cutting relations

Cross-cutting relations: 1st the mafic inclusion; 2nd the granodiorite; 3rd: felsic dike; 4th, faults. Sierra Nevada, California. (Ig-31)
Download ImageDeath Valley salt pan (vertical)

Salt flats of Death Valley, California. The polygons are formed by precipitation of new salt in shrinkage cracks. (IMG_1241)
Download ImageWind ripples and dunes, Death Valley, California

Mesquite Flat Dunes. Death Valley National Park, California. (Dep-10)
Download ImageAlluvial fan, Death Valley, CA

Aerial view of alluvial fan at Badwater, Death Valley National Park, California. (9A89-21; Dep-03)
Download ImageMudcracked playa, Mojave Desert (vertical)

Mudcracked playa, Death Valley National Park, California. (6005)
Download ImageAngular Unconformity, Death Valley, CA

Angular Unconformity: flat Funeral Basalt over Artist Drive Fm faulted against tilted Furnace Creek Fm, Ryan Mesa, Death Valley, California. (140426-51)
Download ImageSea Arch, Oregon

A small sea arch produced by wave erosion along the Oregon Coast. Devil’s Punchbowl. (130428-33)
Download ImageCambrian Ogygopsis trilobite

Ogygopsis klotzi, a trilobite from the Cambrian Stephen Shale, British Columbia, Canada. (120708-11)
Download ImageOlenoides trilobites, Burgess Shale

Olenoides trilobites in the Cambrian Burgess Shale, Yoho National Park, British Columbia. (120708-20)
Download ImageLimestone Breccia

Sedimentary Breccia, made of limestone fragments and a matrix of calcite, exposed in a wall of Titus Canyon in Death Valley National Park, California. (110501-11).
Download ImageProterozoic stromatolites, Montana

Stromatolites in Helena Formation of Proterozoic Belt Supergroup, Glacier National park, Montana (090718-97)
Download ImageNormal faults in sandstone, Utah

Offset sandstone blocks on normal faults, just outside gate to Arches National Park, Utah (090317-18)
Download ImageProterozoic stromatolite (vertical)

Proterozoic Helena Formation stromatolite. (Image ID# 090717-33)
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