Weathering and Erosion
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Talus cone fed by debris avalanches

Debris avalanches, Tien Shan Mtns., Kyrgyzstan. (Image ID#WE-46)
Download ImageDebris Flow channel, Colorado (Vertical)

Debris Flow and channel, Chalk Cliffs, Colorado (Image ID # WE-40)
Download ImageOverlapping debris flows, Mojave Desert

Overlapping debris flows as indicated by different shades of brown from different generations of desert varnish, Death Valley National Park, California (Image ID# WE-36)
Download ImageGrus–formed by disintegration of granitic rock

Three stages of grus formation in granitic rock. (Image ID # WE-33)
Download ImageDifferential Erosion, Utah

Differential erosion, Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah. (Image ID # WE-26)
Download ImageFractured Granitic rock

Fractured granitic rock, from frost-wedging, SW Montana. (Image ID # WE-31)
Download ImageErosional remnants, Utah

Erosional remnants: the Chocolate Drops, Canyonlands National Park, Utah. Person for scale on skyline at right. (Image ID# WE-09)
Download ImageArch eroded from fins, SE Utah

Arch and fins in background, Arches NP, Utah. (ID # WE-03)
Download ImageSea stacks, Bandon, Oregon

Sea stacks, erosional remnants from coastline retreat, Oregon. (140420-45)
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