Catching up?
So it’s been three years now since my last post –more than three years– and WordPress has subtly shamed me into writing something. So here goes… I can’t possibly “catch up” in any meaningful way, but I’ll say something at least.
This site has grown by more than 1000 photos since I last posted, with the addition of some older re-discovered photos and a lot from more recent adventures. For the most part, those trips have largely been in the Pacific Northwest, California, and Colorado –places I tend to frequent because I live in the Pacific Northwest, and I have one daughter in California and another in Colorado! They also coincide with my research, writing, and teaching interests–which reminds me… I left off Montana! I still teach part of our field class in Montana.
So here are some highlights –from left to right above. We saw this beautiful fault propagation fold in the Grinnell Formation while on a hike in Glacier National Park this summer as part of our field camp. I completed two book projects with Mountain Press, one of which brought me to Colorado as coauthor with Magdalena Donahue at the helm. And my grad student, Addison Richter, is doing her field work in the North Cascades of Washington–that’s Mt. Shuksan in the photo. Both photos are available here for download.
And there’s always Death Valley. Type “Death Valley” (or just “death” if you like) into the keyword search and you’ll get over 300 hits –some 100 since my 2019 post.

An old photo recently posted: Canoer on flooded Badwater Basin in April, 2005
And there’re all those airplane shots. I’m able to visit my mother several times each year who lives in SW Florida –and sometimes get lucky with great views on my travels! Type “aerial” into the keyword search if you want to see them.

Aerial view of Split Mountain Anticline and Dinosaur N.Monument, Utah-Colorado border.
There’s more to come. Today I visit a dear friend on the Oregon Coast and will visit our field class there tomorrow –before driving to northern Washington to visit my grad student who’s completing her mapping near Mt. Shuksan in the North Cascades. And shortly after returg, I’m off to visit my mom again in Florida. This time though, I’m going there by way of the east coast so I can learn about (and photograph) some Appalachian geology!
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