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Steam and hydrothermal alteration, Iceland

Steam and hydrothermal alteration in the western rift zone, Iceland (180910-40)
Download ImageKarstic spring, Crete, Greece (vertical)

Spring issuing from karst-weathered limestone, Crete, Greece (180328-60)
Download ImageExposed water table in quarry, Spokane, WA

Exposed water table (Spokane Aquifer) in quarry, Spokane, Washington (150705-38)
Download ImageSprings issuing from basalt (Pan)

Spring water issuing from basaltic lava flows at Tamolitch Pool on the McKenzie River, Oregon. (171016-16f)
Download ImageGravel quarry, CA.

Aerial view of gravel quarry, California. Note that it intersects the ground water table. (res-29)
Download ImageWater monitoring of spring (vertical)

Water monitoring of spring at Devils Hole, Mojave Desert, California. (IMG_5237)
Download ImageSpring issuing from base of glacial till, Canadian Rockies

Spring issuing from base of glacial till, southern Alberta, Canada. (G-26)
Download ImageGroundwater staining along fractures

Groundwater staining along fractures in granitic rock, Sierra Nevada, California
Download ImageCave speleothems, Oregon (square)

Cave Formations, or speleothems, form by precipitation of calcite from groundwater. Stalagmite, stalactites, and columns, Oregon Caves National Monument, Oregon. (G-17c)
Download ImageHot Spring and sinter deposits

Hot Spring and sinter deposits, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. (G-09)
Download ImageSprings midway down alluvial fan, Furnace Creek, Death Valley, CA, and radial spring

Springs midway down alluvial fan, Furnace Creek, Death Valley National Park, California.
Download ImageDesert spring along fault, Death Valley

Badwater Spring issues from a recently active fault along the front of the Black Mountains, visible as two fault scarps in the background on the alluvial fan (G-04)
Download ImageSinter and hot spring (vertical)

Sinter (silica) deposits and hot spring, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. Photo is about 1.5 meters across. (5D-6435)
Download ImageSinkhole, central Florida

Aerial view of circular sinkhole in central Florida. Sinkholes form by dissolution and collapse of underlying limestone bedrock. The water level marks the groundwater table. (140308-60)
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