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Recumbent syncline Death Valley, CA
Aerial view of recumbent syncline in Cambrian Bonanza King Formation on Corkscrew Peak, Death Valley, California. (3174-23)
Download ImageHogbacks along edge of anticline, Utah
Aerial view of hogbacks along the edge of the Split Mountain Anticline, Dinosaur National Monument, Colorado-Utah. The red valley is the recessive Triassic Moenkopi Formation. (190925-200)
Download ImageSplit Mountain Anticline, Utah-Colo
Aerial view of Split Mountain Anticline and Dinosaur National Monument, a plunging fold on the Utah-Colorado border. The Green river cuts across the structure as an antecedent river. The prominent white rock is the Pennsylvanian Weber Sandstone; the red band is the Triassic Moenkopi Formation. (190925-194)
Download ImageMeteor Crater, Arizona
Aerial view of Meteor Crater (Barringer Crater), Arizona –formed by the impact of a meteorite some 50,000 years ago. It measures 3900 feet in diameter and about 560 feet deep. The meteorite, called the Canyon Diablo Meteorite, was about 50 meters across. (190925-19)
Download ImagePyroclastic flows and Mt. St. Helens, WA.
Pyroclastic flows and northwest edge of Mt. St. Helens volcano, Washington. (190817-21)
Download Imagemetaconglomerate, NE Maine (vertical)
metaconglomerate along the Maine coast. (IP18-6775)
Download ImageCross-cutting dikes, Maine (Vertical)
Cross-cutting diabase dikes. Oldest is the light green one on left; 2nd is the darker one on the right; 3rd is the narrow dark one in the left-center. The granite country rock is in the background. (180715-122)
Download ImageDiabase dike intruding metaconglomerate, NE Maine
igneous, intrusive, intrusion, mafic
Download ImageSalts left by evaporation of seawater. (vertical)
Rings of salt left behind by evaporation of seawater in a small pool. (180714-109)
Download ImageGranite coastline, Acadia NP, Maine
Coastline formed on Cadillac Granite, Acadia National Park, Maine. Note how the landscape is shaped by the sheeting fractures (unloading joints) in the granite. (180712-20)
Download ImageEocene Herring and palm frond
Fossilized Eocene herring and palm frond. Green River Formation, Wyoming. Fish is about 8cm long (180629-39)
Download ImageErosion of sea stack, Oregon (Vertical)
Fracture-controlled erosion of sandstone sea stack, Bandon, Oregon coast. (180616-97)
Download ImagePorphyroclasts and kink bands ~20cm across
Porphyroclasts and kink bands (~20cm across) in sheared, mylonitic schist. Granitic porphyroclast near center originated as a sigma type porphyroclast (indicates top-left sense-of-shear) but was rotated by the kink band to appear like a delta-type to mistakenly indicate the opposite sense. (170401-19)
Download ImageMeandering river and tidal inlet, Oregon
Aerial photo of meandering stream and tidal inlet between two sand spits, Sand Lake, Oregon. (100723-86)
Download ImagePalouse Falls, Washington
Palouse Falls in eastern Washington drops more than 180 feet over lava flows of the Grande Ronde and Wanapum members of the Columbia River Basalt Group. (161012-99)
Download Imagetilted fault blocks, Death Valley, California
Photo and diagram illustrating crustal extension, normal faults, and tilted fault blocks in Death Valley, California. (180311-19; d180507)
Download ImageDeformed metaconglomerate
Deformed metaconglomerate. Quartzite clast in upper left is cut by 2 generations of veins. From the rock garden of Appalachian State University. (180427-2)
Download ImageSeed Fern fossils-Pennsylvanian
Lower Pennsylvanian plant fossils in shale: Neuropteris, a seed fern. From the museum collection of Appalachian State University.
Image is about 10 cm across. (180427-23)
Strike-slip fault zone in sandstone –interpretation
Interpretation of rittle strike-slip fault zone in sandstone shows several right-lateral Riedel shears. (SrF-37;4512-55interp)
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