Ductile Structures

San Juan River and folded rocksSan Juan River flows through folded rocks of the Raplee Anticline, SE Utah

Folded pegmatite dike in slateFolded pegmatite in slate, likely caused by dissolution of the slate. Note the cleavage planes in the slate are parallel to the axial surface of the fold. Southern British Columbia. Hamm

Cleavage and bedding in limestone and shale.Cleavage and bedding in gently folded limestone and shale, Yoho National Park, British Columbia, Canada.

Overturned folds on mountainside, Waterton Lakes National Park,Overturned syncline (above) and anticline (below) on mountainside, Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta, Canada.

Small detached fold in sandstone and shale.Small detached fold in sandstone and shale. Proterozoic Grinnell Formation, Glacier National Park, Montana.

Orthoclase-rich granite and folded gneiss.Orthoclase-rich granite and folded gneiss. Photo is about 50cm across.

folded marbleFolded Proterozoic-age marble, Death Valley, CA.

Folded radiolarian chert, California. Main fold is an overturneFolded beds of Jurassic-Cretaceous age radiolarian chert, Marin Headlands, California.

Folded radiolarian chert, Oregon and sea cave.Folded radiolarian chert, Oregon and sea cave. These rocks belong to the Jurassic Otter Point Formation.

Recumbent fold in Jurassic-age radiolarian chert, OregonRecumbent fold in Jurassic-age radiolarian chert, Oregon.

Sea stacks of folded radiolarian chert, SW Oregon.Sea stacks of folded radiolarian chert, SW Oregon.

Folded radiolarian chert, Oregon.Folded radiolarian chert, Oregon. These rocks belong to the Jurassic Otter Point Formation. Photo is about 15 meters across.

Asymmetric anticline and syncline in limestone, Mt. Kidd, AlbertAsymmetric anticline and syncline in limestone, Mt. Kidd, Alberta. These folds are fault-propagation folds, as they formed at the termination of the Lewis thrust.

Thrust faults and folds, Oregon Coast Range.Thrust faults and folds, Oregon Coast Range.

Folded gneiss.Folded gneiss.

Pegmatite dike cutting folded Archean gneiss.pegmatite dike cutting folded Archean gneiss, Teton Range, Wyoming.

Folded gneiss.Folded Archean gneiss, Teton Range, Wyoming. Photo is approximately 8s0 cm across.

Folded dike in gneiss.Folded dike in Archean gneiss, Teton Range, Wyoming. Photo is about 1.5 meters across.

Pegmatite dike cutting folded Archean gneiss.pegmatite dike cutting folded Archean gneiss, Teton Range, Wyoming.

Folded gneiss.

Folded gneiss.

Folded gneiss.

Photomicrograph of folded schist --about 1 cm across.

Folded Precambrian Banded Iron Formation.

Plunging anticline and parasitic folds on limbs, SW Montana.

Recumbent isoclinal fold in marble.

Recumbent fold in marble.

Assymetric folds in gneiss, SE Cal.

Horizontal isoclinal fold in sandstone and shale, Arkansas.

Recumbent folds in limestone, Switzerland.

Isoclinal fold in marble.

Disharmonic folds in gneiss.

Folded gneiss, Grand Teton NP, Wyoming.

Sheath fold in marble.

Asymmetric folds in marble.

Folded pegmatite boudins in gneiss, Colorado.

Slaty cleavage and folded pre-cleavage vein in limestone.

Axial planar cleavage and folds in quartzite.

Thrust fault and folds, SW Wales, UK.

Thrust fault and fault-bend fold, eastern WA.

Thrust fault and fold, N. Montana.

Faulted angular unconformity between Pliocene basalt and folded

Folded gneiss, SE California.Ptygmatically folded gneiss, SE California.

Folded gneiss, SE California.Ptygmatically folded gneiss, SE California.

Folded radiolarian chert, California. Main fold is an overturneFolded beds of Jurassic-Cretaceous age radiolarian chert, Marin Headlands, California.

Overturned anticline and syncline in radiolarian chert, CalifornFolded beds of Jurassic-Cretaceous age radiolarian chert, Marin Headlands, California. Photo is about 2 meters across.

Folded radiolarian chert, California.Folded beds of Jurassic-Cretaceous age radiolarian chert, Marin Headlands, California. Photo is 3-4 meters across.

Contrasting behavior: faulted diabase sill and ductiley deformed

Contrasting behavior: brittle faulting and ductile flow.

Folded gneiss, Grand Teton NP, Wyoming.Folded gneiss, formed at depths of 10 km or more, high in the Teton Range of Wyoming.