Structural Geology – Active Tectonics

Badwater SpringDeath Valley formed because of crustal extension, which has caused "normal" faults to break up the crust. The mountains rise along these faults and the valley floor drops down. This activity is ongoing, the evidence of which can be seen in the next few slides. Badwater Spring, officially the lowest spot in Death Valley (it's actually a little lower out in the salt pan), is at an elevation of -282. The spring issues from the frontal fault of the Black Mountains, which can be seen in the background breaking the alluvial fan. The resulting step in the alluvial fan is called a "fault scarp." As the fault cuts the fan, it must be recently active.

Wasatch Mtns, E edge of Basin-RangeThe eastern edge: Mt. Timpanogos, in the Wasatch Range of Utah. Mt. Timpanogos is the second highest peak of the Wasatch Range, at an elevation of 11749'. The Wasatch Range rises along the Wasatch fault, which is an active fault, and so poses a significant earthquake hazard to the Salt Lake City region. As evidence of recent faulting, two wineglass canyons can be seen behind the fault on the right side of the photo. (ID: 477-89)

Uplifted marine terrace, Oregon

Tilted marine terrace, N. Cal.




Wineglass Canyon, Death Valley, CA.


Uplifted shorelines, SE California.


Sierra Nevada range and Owens Valley, CA.




Landslide scar and drowned trees, Earthquake Lake, MT.


The Wallowa MountainsThe Wallowa Mountains rise along a fault zone just south of the town of Joseph.

Aerial view of Salton SeaAerial view of Salton Sea, with the approximate locations of the southern San Andreas and Imperial faults. Note how right-lateral slip on the two en-echelon faults drive extension between them.

Lemhi Range FaultingRecent faulting along western edge of Lemhi Range, Idaho.

Glacial valleys & frontal fault zoneGlacial valleys and frontal fault

Fault-bounded east front of Steens Mountain and Alvord Desert.Fault-bounded east front of Steens Mountain and Alvord Desert.

Black Mtns., Death Valley, CA, showing range-bounding fault andAerial view of Black Mountains and Copper Canyon turtleback (greenish rock on right).

Angular unconformity at Ryan MesaAngular unconformity at Ryan Mesa: 4 Ma basalt flows overlying faulted Artist Drive (left) and Furnace Creek (right) formations. Death Valley, CA

Boulders on alluvial fan, Death Valley, California.Boulders on alluvial fan, Death Valley, California. The canyon, at the apex of the fan, can be seen in the background. It is a wineglass canyon, formed by erosion of an actively rising mountain next to a fault zone.

Keystone Thrust fault Red Rocks, NevadaKeystone Thrust fault, Nevada--gray Cambrian ridges over tan Jurassic cliffs.

Normal faults in Lewis Thrust fault zone, Glacier National ParkNormal faults extend the upper plate of Proterozoic rock of the Lewis Thrust. Montana's Rocky Mountains

Repetition of strata on thrust fault, northenr Montana.Both ridge-forming rock units are Missiissippian-age limestone that has been repeated along a thrust fault. Sun River Canyon, Montana.

Lewis thrust fault and mountains of Glacier National Park, MontanaThe Lewis thrust fault, which places rock over the Proterozoic Belt Supergroup over Cretaceous rock, lies at the base of the cliffs, just below the tan rock unit.

Normal fault cutting Tertiary conglomerate, Mojave Desert, CA.Normal fault cutting Tertiary conglomerate, Mojave Desert, CA.

Crack-in-the-ground, a fissure developed along a normal fault in Central OregonCrack-in-the-ground, a fissure developed along a normal fault in central Oregon.

Lake Abert and Abert Rim, a downdropped basin and uplifted rangeLake Abert and Abert Rim, a downdropped basin and uplifted range in Oregon's Basin and Range Province. A large normal fault runs along the break in slope on the left side of the photo. Basalt boulders in the foreground.

Thrust faults and folds, Oregon Coast RangeThrust faults and folds, Oregon Coast Range.

Sidewalk offset and bent by creep on Calaveras fault, Hollister, CaliforniaSidewalk offset and bent by creep on Calaveras fault, Hollister, California

Fault-block Mountain and Desert SpringAbrupt fault-bounded east side of Steens Mountain, SE Oregon and water from spring.

Chief Mountain Klippe, Glacier National Park, Montana and mountaChief Mountain, a klippe of the Lewis Thrust fault, at the US-Canada border in Glacier National Park, Montana. The fault places resistant rock of the Late Precambrian Belt Supergroup over softer Cretaceous-age sandstone and shale --and so lies at the base of the cliffs, all along the mountain front. Several smaller klippen lie to the left of Chief Mountain, between it and the rest of the range.

Willamette River, Portland Hills fault, and Portland, ORAn aerial view of Portland Hills fault and the Willamette River in Portland Oregon.

Trace of San Andreas fault, SF Peninsula, CAAn aerial view of the San Andreas Fault, San Fransisco California

San Andreas fault, San Bernardino, CAAn aerial view of the San Andreas Fault, San Bernardino, California

Trace of Wasatch Fault Zone, Salt Lake City, Utah

New building construction along Wasatch fault zone, Salt Lake Ci

Sidewalk offset by creep on Calaveras fault, Hollister, CaliforniaSidewalk offset by creep on Calaveras fault, Hollister, California

IMG_1343Boulders on alluvial fan, Death Valley, California. The canyon, at the apex of the fan, can be seen in the background. It is a wineglass canyon, formed by erosion of an actively rising mountain next to a fault zone.

IMG_1396San Andreas fault at Wallace Creek in the Carrizo Plain, California, view towards the northeast. Note how the stream gully is abruptly deflected to the right about 10 meters. That deflection was caused by right-lateral slip events (earthquakes) on the fault. The deflection is not particularly great, because the stream gully is young.

IMG_1345Boulders on alluvial fan, Death Valley, California. The canyon, at the apex of the fan, can be seen in the background. It is a wineglass canyon, formed by erosion of an actively rising mountain next to a fault zone.

IMG_1404San Andreas fault at Wallace Creek in the Carrizo Plain, California, view towards the northeast. Note how the stream gully is abruptly deflected to the right about 150 meters. That deflection is caused by repeated right-lateral slip events (earthquakes) along the fault.

mafic dike intruding gneiss. Note fault.

San Andreas fault in Coachella Valley, CA.

Recently active Black Mountains fault zone, Death Valley, CA

Fault scarp and alluvial fan, Death Valley, CA.

Fault scarp: Owens Valley fault, at base of Sierra Nevada, CA.

Fault-bounded mountain front, Death Valley, CA.

Cedar City, Utah and Hurricane Fault

Wineglass Canyon and housing developments along Wasatch fault zo

Fault-controlled mountain front, Death Valley, CA.

Offset sidewalk by fault creep. Calaveras fault, Hollister, CA.

Drowned trees and fault scarp, Hawaii.

Fault scarps and housing developments along Wasatch fault zone,

Aerial view of faulted plunging anticline, Colorado Front Range.

Contrasting behavior: brittle faulting and ductile flow.

Contrasting behavior: faulted diabase sill and ductiley deformed

Normal fault, SE California.

Tilted fault block, Eagle Mtn., Amargosa Valley, CA.

Normal fault, SE Utah.

Conjugate normal faults, SE Utah.

Normal faults and tilted ash bed, SE Cal.

Low angle normal fault (detachment fault), Copper Canyon turtleb

Detachment fault (Boundary Canyon fault) Death Valley, CA.

Whipple Mtns Detachment fault, SE Cal.

Black Mtns., Death Valley, CA, showing range-bounding fault and

Detachment fault, showing minor faults in hanging wall terminati

Normal fault, Tertiary Volcanic rock over Precambrian basement g

Thrust fault, placing basement granitic rock over Tertiary sedim

Thrust fault, southern Utah.

Thrust fault, placing Paleozoic rock over Tertiary rock, Tien Sh

Imbricate thrust faults, repeating dark brown ledges of the Tria

Thrust fault and folds, SW Wales, UK.

Lewis Thrust, N. Montana and southern Alberta. This fault place

Thrust fault and fault-bend fold, eastern WA.

Minor thrust faults in core of anticline, SW Wales, UK.

Aerial view of Furnace Creek Fault zone, Death Valley, CA.

Thrust fault and fold, N. Montana.

Imbricate thrust faults repeating brown ledges of Triassic Dinwo

Strike-slip faults offsetting granitic dike, N. Wisconsin.

Small right- and left-lateral faults in siltstone, S. BC, Canada

Conjugate strike slip faults and associated fractures in siltsto

Right-lateral fault in sandstone, Oregon.

Fault gouge along fault surface.

Color-banded fault gouge. Main fault surface is in upper right

Calcite fibers on fault surface.

Brecciated limestone (not in a fault zone). Death Valley, CA.

Slickenlines on fault surface.

Detachment fault. Rock above and below deformed independently o

Faulted angular unconformity between Pliocene basalt and folded

Drowned tree in surf zone, Oregon.Drowned tree stumps in intertidal zone. Sunset Bay State Park, Oregon. These tree stumps indicate that this beach was somewhat above sea level when the trees grew, but dropped to below sea level as the result of an earthquake. Carbon dating of the wood indicates the trees died in the year 1700. In fact, there are drowned tree trunks in the intertidal zone all up and down the Oregon coast, all of which died at about the same time. They are one of the main lines of evidence for the magnitude 8.7-9 earthquake on the Cascadia Subduction Zone in the year 1700.

Fault-controlled range front. Death Valley, CA.Aerial view of faulted front of the Black Mountains.

Aerial view of San Andreas Fault and Pt. ReyesAerial view of San Andreas fault and Pt. Reyes --just north of San Francisco. View is to the north. The fault runs down Tomales Bay, the narrow arm of the ocean that runs diagonally across the photo.