Happy June 1

Seeing that I’ve gotten so far behind in “news” for my website, I thought I’d celebrate June 1 a day early. It’s the end of week 9 of our quarter, it’s warm outside, and… it FEELS like June!
With this photo, and the ones that accompanied it, the site now has more than 3500 searchable images. I shot it from my plane window a couple weeks ago just before landing in the San Francisco Airport. It’s of the salt evaporation ponds in southern San Francisco Bay.
Speaking of taking shots from airplanes… I’ve had some great luck with it this year, especially in the San Francisco Bay area –check out this image of the San Andreas fault AND the San Francisco Peninsula!

June happens to be the month for my photo of a basaltic dike in Maine to show in our departmental calendar. Yay! It was probably my favorite image from 2018 –I took it last summer when some old friends from grad school took me around to some islands off the Maine coast. Definitely an inspiring day –made me want to write “Roadside Geology of Maine” –hahaha! We’ll see about THAT! Anyway, here’s the photo!

Meanwhile, I’ve been teaching (Structural Geology this spring quarter) and slowly making project on my new book project –about interesting geologic localities in Oregon. I’ve been to some amazing spots, including Wolf Rock in the western Cascades just last weekend. I’d never seen this place before –and it’s amazing!

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